The BCCSU Drug Checking Program DrugSense Dashboard visualizes drug checking data collected in partner sites around British Columbia dating back to June 2018. The results show what has been found in drugs brought for drug checking and can provide a glimpse into what is in the current drug supply. Please note that the data presented are subject to change. The dashboard is updated weekly on Tuesdays.

How it works

The left-hand side of the dashboard contains filters to narrow your search. The Summary tab displays information about drug samples checked, including geographic distribution, detection of fentanyl and benzodiazepines, and whether or not samples contained the expected substance.


The Drug Comparison tab allows you to select one or more specific drugs to view its characteristics including the samples’ colours and textures and identified components. Use the filters on the left-hand side to narrow your search.


The Results Table displays sample-level results for every drug sample in the dashboard database. Click the Help button for instructions on how to filter the table. FTIR spectroscopy results are listed in approximate descending order of sample composition. Please refer to the technological limitations for guidance on interpreting FTIR results.


The data presented in this dashboard are for illustrative purposes only and are not meant to be a replacement for accessing drug checking services. For information about drug checking services in your community, visit the Find Drug Checking page on our website. Sample results presented in this dashboard are only representative of samples brought for drug checking in British Columbia and therefore may not necessarily represent the broader unregulated drug supply. Unregulated drug supplies vary by community and not all communities in British Columbia are represented by this dashboard.


The BCCSU Drug Checking DrugSense Dashboard was designed and built by a team of Master of Data Science students from the University of British Columbia with input from the BCCSU Drug Checking Project. We would like to thank Sukhdeep Kaur, Craig McLaughlin, Neel Phaterpekar, and Mitchie Zhao for their collaboration and contributions, as well as the team’s mentor, Joel Östblom.